Research Profile

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Students conducting research in lab
Research Profile

Scientific discovery, scholarly inquiry, and creative achievement are central to the mission of Southern Illinois University Carbondale. We are one of a handful of major research universities in Illinois and the only one in the southern half of the state.

In 2024 we are classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as a Research University: High Research Activity

SIU faculty are at work every day - in the lab and in the library, in the field and online, in the classroom and in the studio - to expand knowledge and contribute to society. By working alongside faculty and staff researchers, our students learn the latest methods and information in their field and experience the excitement of discovery. That includes undergraduates, who participate in research as undergraduate assistants, as student workers, and through various undergraduate research programs (REACH, and the McNair Scholars Program).

Research Centers and Organizations
Office of Sponsored Projects Administration
Research Support Facilities

Grant Funding Overview

In FY 2023 Southern Illinois University faculty received $95.7 million in Research, Training, and Service-based grants and contracts, an increase of 21% compared to the previous year.

Federal grant funding totaled $28.74 million. Grant funding from the state of Illinois totaled $44.44 million, and industrial grants and contracts totaled $3.79 million.

Top federal funders of grants to SIU Carbondale in FY 2023 were the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Department of Education. Top State funders of SIU Carbondale were the Illinois Department of Economic Opportunity, the Illinois State Board of Education, the Illinois Department of Human Services, and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

As reported to the National Science Foundation's Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) survey, R&D expenditures at SIU Carbondale totaled $46.9 million in FY 2022.

Grant Funding Overview FY 22

Grant/Contract Funding-Most Recent Fiscal Year Data

Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer Web Site