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The REACH (Research-Enriched Academic Challenge) award offers the opportunity for SIU Carbondale undergraduate students to work with a faculty member on independent creative activities or research.
Who is eligible to apply for REACH?
- Degree-seeking undergraduates in all SIU Carbondale majors are encouraged to apply.
- Applicants who are currently enrolled as a full-time Southern Illinois University Carbondale student with a GPA of 2.8 or higher.
- Applicants who are enrolled as a full-time SIU Carbondale undergraduate student during at least the fall and spring semester of the 2025-2026 academic year.
- Applicants who will work closely with a faculty mentor in their area of research/creative interest to plan the project, prepare the application, and carry out the project.
- Only one application may be submitted per student.
- Past recipients of this award are not eligible to reapply.
- 2019-2020 Award Winners
- 2020-2021 Award Winners
- 2022-2023 Award Winners
- 2023-2024 Award Winners
- 2024-2025 Award Winners
REACH Awards competition applications opens in D2L on Decemeber 4th
Full-time SIU Carbondale undergraduate students can begin applying for the 2024-25 Research-Enriched Academic Challenge (REACH) award competition on Dec. 4th. Students with a GPA of 2.8 or higher are eligible. The application deadline is Jan. 29th, 2024.
Full-time undergraduate students working with a faculty member can qualify for REACH awards of up to $2,000 to support expenses associated with original creative activity or research projects.
Faculty need to submit recommendation forms and letters of support to REACH 2024 D2L class by 11:59 p.m. Feb. 5th, 2024.
Students will find application instructions, as well as eligibility and additional information, in the REACH 2025 class in D2L Use the Discover feature and type in the class name if you do not see it upon log in.
Team and individual projects from all disciplines are encouraged. Successful team applications can receive $500 per additional team member in addition to the up to $2,000 REACH award.
Eligible awardees can be paid 10 hours per week for work on their projects during the FALL 2024 and SPRING 2025 semesters.
Award recipients will be required to present a poster detailing their research or creative activity projects, and faculty mentors will be required to serve as judges at the undergraduate research showcase forum or SCARF 2025 on April 11th, 2025, in the Student Center Art Gallery. A final report of their work will be due May 9, 2024, in the D2L class REACH 2024
More information is available at the SIU REACH Award website, at 618-453-5289 or by email at
Congratulations 2024-2025 REACH Students
Alabdullah, Raghad
Bergschneider, Bethany
Biggs, Mollie
Buchannan, Liliana
TEAM Christopher, Thierra & Samuel Wang
Eves, Natalie
Fieber, Max
Garcia, Eli
Ghosh, Ashlishya
TEAM Gusewelle, Brenna & Yin Sun
Hoeft, Abigail
TEAM Howton, Eli & James Martin
Johnson, Zachary
Kleiss, Caitlyn
TEAM Patel, Meet & Morgan Meinicke
Phillips, Hannah
Vogel, Josh
White, Kaleigh
Yagow, Kalea